Podder v2 has been released!

Podder 2 (new skin)

After a lot of work, fun, and learning, I’m thrilled to announce that the next version of Podder has been released!! Podder is my WPF podcast player. I recently published a large article about the new version of Podder, how structural skinning works, the new binaries, new source code, a Silverlight screencast, and even an interview between Craig Shoemaker (host of Pixel8 and Polymorhpic Podcast) and Grant Hinkson (the Visual Designer who made Podder’s new skin).

Download Podder v2 here. (NOTE: You must change the file extension from .DOC to .ZIP and then decompress. Requires .NET Framework 3.5 to run.)

View the article and download the source code here.

Please kick it on DotNetKicks.com for me!

Watch the screencast here.

Listen to the interview here.

Grant really did an incredible job on the new skin. It was an amazing experience to work so closely with an accomplished Visual Designer.

22 Responses to Podder v2 has been released!

  1. That’s freakin’ sweet! Very anxious to read the article.

    On another note, if you haven’t seen Caliburn (http://devlicio.us/blogs/rob_eisenberg/archive/2008/01/07/introducing-caliburn-an-mvc-mvp-wpf-framework.aspx) check it out. Very cool stuff he’s doing.

  2. Josh Smith says:

    Thanks Ryan! I’m really pumped about Podder v2. I’ve been obsessed with it for months now, and it’s great to finally see it go live. 😀

    Caliburn looks very interesting…thanks for the link.


  3. Scott says:

    Can you recommend any good books on MVC with WPF? I have no experience with the MVC model yet but it seems to be something I should look at based on how frequently you refer to it.

  4. Josh Smith says:


    The only source of information about MVC in WPF that I know of, and have read top-to-bottom, is this:


    Yeah, it’s mine. 🙂

    It’s waaay too early to have any published (i.e. printed) material out there about such advanced topics as MVC in WPF. But, I’m sure my CodeProject article above is probably just as good as some “real author” could produce. Give it a try.


  5. Rhonda Tipton says:

    This app is awesome. I was using the beta, but you have outdone yourself with this version.

  6. Josh Smith says:

    Thanks a lot, Rhonda! I’m glad you like it so much. 😀

    WPF is awesome. I’m just piggybacking…


  7. Jared says:

    enjoyed a quick read of your blog…we are looking for WPF dev & design talent in Seattle. Any recommendations?

  8. Josh Smith says:


    Infragistics offers WPF training and consulting services. To learn more, go to


  9. Mike Kidder says:


    Truly awesome app. I downloaded the app last night and stayed up way to late. 🙂 I noticed the feeds do not come across behind the proxy firewall. Is the plan to pick what IE is using of have custom settings. Thanks again

  10. Josh Smith says:


    Thanks for the feedback!

    Unfortunately my knowledge of network programming is very basic, so I don’t know how to answer your question. What do you mean by using IE custom settings for proxy firewalls. I have no idea what the problem or solution is. 😦


  11. […] I mean how cool is that. You owe it to yourself to read how this beauty works, I urge you all to read about it at the Podder2 article page and also at Joshs own blog […]

  12. Josh, that is a great app and with the new skin its really great. Thanks 😉

  13. Poluxx says:

    Hi Josh and thank you for the article in CodeProject.

    I just finished to read the making of skinnable apps and I wanted to read the Podder source code…but the source isn’t no more available on CodeProject !! It seems the file has been removed or bad-linked…

    Could you repost the source please ? ’cause Reflector is good but not enough 😦

    Thank you again for making us think about how to make more scalable apps in WFP 🙂


  14. Dave Cogley says:


    Great Work as always man. This application has given me a solid understanding of the MVC framework which I will be implementing in my newest WPF app.

  15. Josh Smith says:

    That’s great to hear, Dave. Thanks for the positive feedback!

  16. […] we posted that Josh Smith had released a WPF podcast player called Podder. Now he’s released Podder v2 with some nice enhancements and a slick new interface care of Grant Hinkson. I really like the […]

  17. […] blind. I’ve taken inspiration from many places. First and foremost, I’d like to thank Josh Smith for allowing the download of the source for his Podder application. You can find Podder […]

  18. […] you ever heard of Podder, the excellent podcast player created by WPF expert Josh Smith? Seen the cooooool skin created […]

  19. A.V.Ebrahimi says:

    Hi Josh:

    Again you and your friends did something amazing!
    The skin is absolutely perfect, I didn’t know WPF could wear such cloths with just a dll.

    What is the best source to learn about WPF skinning?

  20. Josh Smith says:

    Thanks A.V. I appreciate the kind words. If you want to learn about skinning in WPF, I recommend these two articles:




  21. Padova says:

    This is a very interesting project. Is there a reason you didn’t use the Windows common feed API? I’ve been working on some simple podcasting scripts and the API is working well. If you looked into the common feed list but decided against it, please consider writing a little about what you didn’t like.


  22. Josh Smith says:


    I wasn’t aware of .NET’s built-in support for RSS feeds at the time. If I was, I probably would have used it.
