Panel3D now supports transparency

Not too long ago I created a WPF panel that lays out its child elements in 3D space, called Panel3D. When playing around with it, I never could figure out a way to make the 3D models in the panel support transparency, such that you could see models lower in the z-order “through” models higher in the z-order. The models higher in the z-order (i.e. those appearing closer to the viewer) were always opaque, thus covering up models behind them.

Someone left a comment on that article, asking how to create semi-transparent items in Panel3D. I didn’t know the answer, but luckily someone else did. It turns out that I was adding the 3D models to the Viewport3D’s Children collection in the wrong order. Panel3D was putting the front-most model at the beginning of the Children collection (technically, the scene’s light source is the very first child). The index of a model in the Children collection matched its visible index, meaning that the element furthest away from the viewer was the last child in the Viewport3D. This was completely wrong!

It turns out that transparency of 3D models in a Viewport3D is a little more tricky than working with transparency of 2D elements living in a 2D world. For transparency to work correctly in a Viewport3D, you must add the models into the Children collection in the opposite order than which we see them (relative to the scene’s camera). If you want to learn more about this issue, go to this blog post, which explains the issue quite well. Unfortunately, the utility method offered in that post does not work in Panel3D.

I modified Panel3D so that it arranges the models in the correct order. The updated source code is not yet available, since I want to give it some time to marinate in my head before I revise the CodeProject article. I did, however, update the WPF Disciples Blog Viewer 3D (with audio) application so that it takes advantage of this new feature.

Download the app here: WPF Disciples Blog Viewer 3D (with audio!)

NOTE: Be sure to change the file extension from .DOC to .ZIP and then decompress it.

Here is a “before” picture, of what the app used to look like (click to view full size image):

Here is the “after” picture, showing how the transparency looks:

I also added two new dependency properties to Panel3D.

AllowTransparency must be set to true if you want the models to be “truly” transparent. If you leave it to false, the old behavior is honored, where the items become more “dim” when their opacity is lowered. The new WPF Disciples Blog Viewer 3D app, seen above, sets this to true, which is why you can see through the items.

AutoAdjustOpacity can be set to false if you do not want Panel3D to automatically set the opacity of each element displayed in the scene. The new WPF Disciples Blog Viewer 3D app, seen above, sets this to false, which is why the items do not seem to fade away as they move into the distance.

I will release the new source code and update the CodeProject article soon…I promise! šŸ˜€

5 Responses to Panel3D now supports transparency

  1. Karl Shifflett says:

    Very nice Josh. Much better than the original black outlines.

    Super work as usual!



  2. Josh Smith says:

    I agree! šŸ™‚

  3. What designer did you use to create you sample application? I work for Mobiform software, we have a really cool xaml designer, you might want to check it out if you plan on doing any more work in xaml. Great app by the way it really shows the power of WPF.

  4. Josh Smith says:

    Hi Patrick,

    I didn’t use any designer. I wrote the XAML by hand! šŸ™‚

    Thanks for the compliment!

    -Josh “Free Billboard” Smith šŸ˜‰

  5. Richard says:

    A super app, but I can’t figure out how to increase the image sizes in the carousel. I’ve tried changing the values of ElementWidth and ElementHeight in Window1.xaml but all I can do is distort the image. Can you explain what I need to do?

    As you might guess I’m not WPF literate yet, but I am trying to learn it.
