Master WPF on your iPhone

February 16, 2012

After being obsessed with WPF for so many years, I can’t just forget about it. Even though my focus is now on iOS development, I still think that WPF is an awesome platform. That’s why I wrote an iPhone app named Master WPF. It contains 500 questions, spread across 28 topics, that I painstakingly wrote, organized, and proofread until my eyes bled. The questions will help any WPF developer sharpen their skills.

It’s for WPF noobs, gurus, and everyone in between.

Master WPF on your iPhone or iPod Touch

Master WPF on your iPhone or iPod Touch

You can download Master WPF for free on your iPhone or iPod Touch, running iOS 5 or greater. The app comes with 15 free questions so that you can try it out. If you decide that you want to master WPF with my app, you can make a small in-app purchase to unlock all 500 questions.

Think of it as a donation to a recovering WPF addict.

Screenshots of Master WPF

Screenshots of Master WPF

For more info about Master WPF, please check out

Advanced MVVM now available on Kindle in Germany

April 21, 2011

Guten tag! If you happen to live in Germany and would like to read my ‘Advanced MVVM’ book on your Amazon Kindle device, you are in luck. Amazon just made my book available in Deutschland. Note: the book has not been translated to German.

You can grab a copy here:

By the way, folks in the UK can get Advanced MVVM on their Kindle here.

Learn more about Advanced MVVM here.

On a side note, I am shocked at how many copies of my book have sold. Over the past year, I’ve sold many thousands of copies and received a ton of great feedback, mostly positive. It has definitely been a great learning experience for me!

Free MVVM Guidance in Visual Studio

November 12, 2010

If you are curious about the Model-View-ViewModel pattern, or would like to have handy reference material at your fingertips, look no further.  My good friend Karl Shifflett has just released an amazingly comprehensive set of MVVM training material, called “In the Box.” Why is it called that? Because all of the guidance is displayed in Visual Studio!  If the topic you’re reading references some code or XAML file, you simply click on the link and that file opens.  Pretty slick!

You can visit this project’s home page here.  Enjoy!

Advanced MVVM now available on Kindle Store in the UK

August 9, 2010

I just got some good news from Amazon.  Folks in the UK can now get my book, Advanced MVVM, from the Kindle store.   If you buy my book from Amazon’s Kindle store, you can read it on a variety of devices: the Kindle e-book reader, iPhone, iPad, your PC, and others.

Here’s the link:

Also, I have some other exciting news to share.  Team Mole has been very hard at work, creating Mole for Visual Studio 2010, the second generation of our popular debugger visualizer.  We’re getting close to the finish line.  We expect to have our product online, and ready to be purchased, within the next few weeks.  Mole 2010 has been in the works since February.  It’s turning out to be an amazing tool…we’re all very, very proud of it.  We can’t wait to release it! 😀

The MVVM Twilight Zone

May 23, 2010

This morning I went to one of Seattle’s numerous coffeehouses to get breakfast.  While waiting in line, the two guys in front of me (looked like coworkers) were talking, and I overheard them use the term “ViewModel.”  When their conversation came to a lull, I politely asked if they’re talking about MVVM.  The following conversation ensued, between one of the guys and myself:

Guy: “Yes, we are actually.”
Me: “Oh cool, that’s a great pattern.  Always an interesting topic.”
Guy: “We use it all the time.”
Me: “What do you like about it?”
Guy: “I like that it’s based on dependency injection.  That makes it really easy to test ViewModels.”
Me: “What do you mean that it’s based on DI?”
Guy: “I mean, it’s based on DI.  Have you ever actually used the pattern?”   [Guy2 now smirks pretentiously]
Me: “Yes, I’ve used it.  But, to me, it’s based on Models, Views, and ViewModels.  That’s it, no DI.”
Guy: “Well it sounds like you don’t really get it then.  It’s complicated, so you need to read a lot about it.”
Me: “Oh, that’s good to know.  What do you suggest I read to learn about  it?”
Guy: “Start with Josh Smith’s MVVM article in MSDN Magazine.”

I kid you not.  That is literally what the guy told me.  I burst out laughing so loud that I felt embarrassed and had to leave.  The guy must have thought I was psychotic!

It’s worth noting that my MVVM article on MSDN never once mentions dependency injection, inversion of control, or any other dependency inversion technique.  That’s because dependency inversion has nothing to do with MVVM.

Happy coding…

Fireside chat about MVVM

May 17, 2010

Craig Shoemaker recently interviewed me for an episode of his Polymorphic Podcast. We touched on a quite few interesting topics, ranging from the merit of the code-behind file, to implementing Undo functionality, to the role of MVVM frameworks. You can check it out here:

Design-time data is still data

April 4, 2010

It’s strange how common application architecture concerns are often ignored when it comes to supporting design-time data.  By “design-time data” I am referring to pre-canned/fake data that is shown in Views while they are being displayed and edited in Expression Blend, or the Visual Studio visual design surface (a.k.a. Cider).  There are two commonly seen approaches to supporting design-time data, each of which has severe drawbacks.

The most commonly seen approach is to use the d:DataContext and d:DesignInstance settings, which assign a designer-only data context for a View.  The d:DataContext setting is ignored at run-time.  This approach might seem great because it appears to keep design-time concerns consolidated in the View layer, which is the application layer in which “design-time” applies most directly.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  While having support for design-time data settings in the View layer might be great for early UI prototyping, it quickly becomes problematic as the rest of the application layers fall into place.  The main problem with d:DataContext is that you now have to maintain two separate data contexts: the real one and the design one.  Often people create entirely separate classes (or the designer tools generate dynamic classes) that mimic the real data objects and ViewModel objects that are used at run-time.  This introduces a grotesque amount of duplication in the code base, just for the sake of showing some fake data in Blend.  Having duplicated classes and extra settings in XAML just for the sake of design-time data strikes me as patently absurd.  Have fun maintaining that application over the years…

Another common approach to creating design-time data is to keep the Views unaware of being in design-time, and to have their ViewModel objects handle it for them.  This can easily lead to ViewModel classes that are littered with conditional logic that does one thing at design-time and something different at run-time.  For example, a ViewModel that exposes a collection of Foo objects might issue a network call to get Foos at runtime, but just new up a bunch of Foos at design-time.  Complicating ViewModels with repetitive conditional logic has a distinctly rotten code smell.  If a ViewModel is a Model of a View, and a View should not be smart enough to know about “design-time” then, by extension, neither should its Model (i.e. the ViewModel).  There has to be a better way!

Let’s take a step back and return to basics.  In a layered application architecture, you separate the responsibilities and concerns into various layers.  The View layer is responsible for showing things.  In MVVM, the ViewModel layer is responsible for maintaining the logical state of Views, and processing user interactions.  So far, we have not mentioned anything about data access.  That’s the job of a layer below the ViewModel, perhaps called the Model layer or the DataAccess layer.  If the application needs data, it goes to the DataAccess layer to get it.  Design-time data is still data.  It, too, should come from the DataAccess layer.  Everything above the DataAccess layer, such as ViewModels and Views, should not be responsible for making decisions about how data is accessed: including design-time data.

In an application that I’m working on these days, I created an interface that the ViewModel objects use to access data and save data.   It’s a modest sized application, so only one interface was needed so far.  In a larger system you could have as many interfaces as you need to meet your data access requirements.  The data access interface is implemented by three classes: one for run-time data access, one for design-time data access, and another for unit test-time data access.  I use dependency inversion (specifically, the Service Locator pattern) to supply an implementation of the data access interface to the ViewModels.  When the Views and ViewModels are created and start living their life, they are blissfully unaware of the run-time context in which they exist.  When running my unit tests, I provide the data access implementation with whatever data I want it to return to the ViewModel that invokes it.  The design-time implementation loads up some fake data from disk and passes it back into the ViewModels, which then bubbles it up to the Views on the design surface.   Of course, at run-time the “real” data access implementation is used to retrieve the actual data processed by the application.

To me, the primary benefit of this approach is that almost the entire system has no concept of “run-time” vs. “design-time” vs. “test-time.”  The only place in the code base that is aware of the run-time context is the tiny bit of code that determines which implementation of the data access interface to make available to the ViewModels.

Article about Service Locator, MVVM, and MessageBoxes

April 1, 2010

I just published an article titled ‘Using a Service Locator to Work with MessageBoxes in an MVVM Application‘ on CodeProject.  It’s one solution to the now canonical question of how to work with message boxes in an MVVM app, either WPF or Silverlight.  The article gives an introduction to the Service Locator pattern, in case you are not yet familiar with that concept, and then dives into an example of how to leverage it.  The end result is a simple, testable, extensible way to work with message boxes from ViewModel objects.

By the way, I found out today that I got the Microsoft MVP award again.  Four years in a row!  Woohoo!! 😀

Response to Ward Bell’s Review of Advanced MVVM

March 20, 2010
Ward Bell recently published a very thought provoking review/critique of my book Advanced MVVM.  In his review he dished out a compliment sandwich, with a meaty middle of constructive criticism.  I appreciate his positive feedback, and even more so the critical feedback. However, there are a few things in his post that I would like to speak to, since I disagree with some of what he said.
While planning the book, I had to make some decisions and compromises.  My overarching goal was to elucidate the complex interactions that can occur between Views and ViewModels.  I wanted the book to be brief, packed with solutions to recurring problems I’ve seen people asking about on the Web, introduce some interesting new material, and to have minimal overlap with my article about MVVM in MSDN Magazine.  I consider that MSDN article to be “part one” and the book to be “part two” of some unofficial series that I write about MVVM over time.
Another goal was to keep the BubbleBurst demo application understandable to a wide audience.  I made a point of not applying design patterns to everything that could be formalized, because that would just distract the reader from what I wanted to teach them.  Now that you have some of the back story, let’s continue.
Ward’s four main points of criticism are that my book does not cover testing, the data model, dependency injection (DI), or event aggregation.  Since my MVVM article showed how to write tests for the ViewModel layer, I did not cover it in the book.  I know that the examples in that article are not the end-all-be-all final solution to testing ViewModels.  There are certainly a million other important topics that could be discussed to no end about it.  But writing a book about unit testing was not what I set out to do.  I wanted to focus on complex interactions between Views and ViewModels, period.
I’ve had quite a few people ask why the book does not talk about using Model objects.  Aside from the fact that I covered it in the MSDN article, there are two reasons.  First, I wanted Advanced MVVM to focus on the complexities that can arise between the View and ViewModel layers.  That’s why I wrote the book.  Second, working with Model objects is not all that difficult, in my opinion.  When working on an MVVM app, I never find myself solving difficult problems related to the Model, once those classes exist.  That’s the easy part.  Why bother writing about the easy stuff in a book labeled “advanced?”  The hard part about Model objects is designing them, and my book certainly was not intended to be about domain modeling.  Also, the fact that the BubbleBurst application, which is the demo app discussed in the book, has no Model objects, made it even easier to elide the topic…
Moving on to Ward’s other points of critique, let’s talk about dependency injection.  Or, let’s not.  I chose the latter option in my book.  Why?  Dependency injection is a very important and popular topic, so it would certainly be justifiable to discuss it in a book about advanced MVVM.  On the other hand, DI is not in any way, shape, or form part of MVVM.  The two can be used together very effectively, but they are orthogonal practices.  If I wrote a book about DI, would people expect me to include a chapter about MVVM?  I highly doubt it. Like I keep saying, I wanted Advanced MVVM to focus on complex interactions between Views and ViewModels.  The point of the book was not to show how to use every cool, popular, useful technique and pattern.  Advanced MVVM is focused like a sniper on the head of some evil dictator, just waiting to fire a shot.  One shot, one kill.  One focus, one book.
Ward’s other main point of contention is that I didn’t write anything about event aggregation.  He’s correct, I did not.  I certainly could have, but that topic is irrelevant to the focus of my book.
In conclusion, everyone has their own opinion on what a book about “advanced” MVVM should/must contain.  I appreciate guys like Ward, who respectfully disagree with my opinion and voice their own interesting thoughts on the matter.  Perhaps all of this feedback will inspire me to write another book about MVVM!

Control input focus from ViewModel objects

March 16, 2010

One of the pain points in MVVM development is controlling input focus from ViewModel objects.  A common scenario is when a validation error occurs, and focus needs to move to the control that is bound to the property in error.  This makes it easier for the user to immediately fix the validation problem.

A while ago, Dr. WPF shared a solution to the WPF Disciples that involves hijacking the VM’s IDataErrorInfo implementation and doing some hacky magic that results in focus being sent to the correct control.  While a brilliant solution, I preferred finding a more formal, less hacky solution.  This blog post presents the implementation that I’ve thrown together, with help from the WPF Disciples over the past few days.

In a ViewModel object, you must implement my IFocusMover interface.

public event EventHandler MoveFocus;

void RaiseMoveFocus(string focusedProperty)
var handler = this.MoveFocus;
if (handler != null)
var args = new MoveFocusEventArgs(focusedProperty);
handler(this, args);

The MoveFocus event should be raised when the VM object determines that input focus needs to be sent to the control bound to the ‘focused property.’  For example, if the FirstName property of an object is deemed invalid, you would call the RaiseMoveFocus method, passing “FirstName” as the focused property argument.  In the demo application, this results in the TextBox whose Text is bound to the FirstName property to get input focus.

Now let’s shift our attention to the View to see how a control is configured to be able to receive focus.  The only thing you must do is use a custom Binding object that I made, called FocusBinding.  That class relies on Philipp Sumi’s BindingDecoratorBase class, which allows you to create a custom Binding that can override the all-important ProvideValue method (inherited from MarkupExtension).

public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider provider)
DependencyObject elem;
DependencyProperty prop;
if (base.TryGetTargetItems(provider, out elem, out prop))
{ FocusController.SetFocusableProperty(elem, prop); }

return base.ProvideValue(provider);

You use the FocusBinding in XAML like this:


Text=”{jas:FocusBinding Path=FirstName, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}”


The ValidatesOnDataErrors property setting is not required, but is used in the demo app to enable support for validation via the VM’s IDataErrorInfo implementation.  All controls bound to VM properties that can be “focusable” use the FocusBinding, instead of a normal Binding.  When the VM raises its MoveFocus event, the control whose FocusBinding’s Path references the ‘focused property’ will be given input focus.

You can download the source code here.  NOTE: Rename the file extension from .DOC to .ZIP and then decompress it.  Feedback is welcome!