My book about iOS programming is now available in iBooks

July 16, 2012

Well, that was fast! Less than forty-eight hours after I submitted iOS Programming for .NET Developers to Apple’s iBookstore, it got approved and is now available for sale worldwide. I heard of some books taking weeks or even months to get approved, so I must have some special mojo working in my favor…

If you’re a .NET developer looking to learn iOS, and want to read about it on your iPad or iPhone, visit

Visit the book’s homepage to learn more about it, and the various formats it is available in.

Handel Keyboard Suite #2 – Allegro

March 13, 2010

Every once in a while I post a recording of myself playing a piano piece that I’ve been practicing.  This time I’m performing the Allegro from Handel‘s second keyboard suite.  The recording quality is not ideal, since I never invested in real recording equipment and software.  For those of you who like Baroque keyboard music, I hope you enjoy it!

Handel Keyboard Suite 2 – Allegro

The first review of Advanced MVVM

March 4, 2010

I’m thrilled to announce that Tim Heuer, one of the top Silverlight community members, evangelists, and Program Managers at Microsoft, has published a review of my book Advanced MVVM.  He gave the book a very solid thumbs-up, which made my day!  If you’re interested in reading what Tim had to say, here’s the link:

Thanks Tim!

Advanced MVVM is now available for the Kindle

February 18, 2010

Due to popular demand, I have made my Advanced MVVM book available for Amazon’s Kindle e-book reader.  You can get it here:


Mobiform Sweetens the Pot

May 13, 2008

The Podder Skinning Competition has officially reached a new level of cool.  Mobiform has generously contributed a licensed copy of their Aurora for Architects design application, which I am going to give to the first place winner.  Thanks a lot, Mobiform!  8)

You have until July 1, 2008 to submit a Podder skin.  The list of prizes is really amazing at this point!  You can learn all about the competition here.   If you want to get started making your own Podder skin, check out this page.

Meeting Sacha Barber

January 9, 2008

If you are interested in cutting edge .NET technology you probably have heard of Sacha Barber. His tour de force on the CodeProject is impressive, to say the least. He is a Microsoft MVP, a CodeProject MVP, and a .NET 3.5 expert. My kind of guy! 😀

I had the pleasure of meeting Sacha recently, while his girlfriend and he were on vacation in New York City. Actually, we had such a great time hanging out that we got together again before they returned to England. Sacha is not only a .NET rock star, but also a very nice and fun guy to hang out with. His girlfriend, Sarah, is top notch, too.

Here are some pictures of two .NET alpha geeks (and a lovely English lady) hanging out together, drinking, eating, and enjoying life. Click on the pictures to view them at full size.

Sacha, Sarah, and me enjoying yummy mojitos at Bluesmoke

Sacha, Sarah, and Josh



Sacha and me enjoying mojitos at Bluesmoke

Sacha and Josh (at Bluesmoke)

Sacha and me drinking beer at Heartland Brewery

Sacha and Josh (at Heartland Brewery)

Me and Sacha eagerly awaiting the chance to eat more ribs, at Bluesmoke

Josh and Sacha (eating ribs at Bluesmoke)